E-ISSN: 2547-9458
Publication Period: Semi-annual
Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Serdar Öztürk
Publisher: Prof. Dr. Serdar Öztürk
E-ISSN: 2547-9458
Publication Period: Semi-annual
Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Serdar Öztürk
Publisher: Prof. Dr. Serdar Öztürk
SineFilozofi is an international, peer-reviewed, widespread, periodical electronic journal published twice a year. The journal, which has an interdisciplinary structure between the fields of cinema andphilosophy, aims to provide grounds for international academic debate in the field.
SineFilozofi has adopted the policy of providing open access. The journal does not charge APCs or submission charges. The Journal is not commercial, and access to the journal content is free. SineFilozofi operates on the basis of volunteerism. No royalties are paid for the articles,book and movie reviews orinterviews that are published in the journal. To ensure that the journals’s content is original, articles sent to the journal should not be published elsewhere or sent for publication.
The articles in SineFilozofi are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.